The Pro Football Hall of Fame Festival
The Pro Football Hall of Fame Festival
Canton, Ohio
A one of a kind celebration where pro football all started
by Kary Skelley
Each summer, Canton, Ohio opens its doors to a new class of legends: the Pro Football Hall of Fame enshrinees. During the first week of August, in honor of these men, Canton hosts a celebration of food, festivals, parades and parties that attract not only football fans but pleasure seekers from across the country. Cantonians like myself look forward to the celebration every summer.
The Pro Football Hall of Fame Festival is particularly special because it essentially is a celebration that virtually people of all interests and walks of life seem to enjoy. While pro football fans consider it a week in paradise, there is also a wide enough variety of entertainment that nearly everyone can find some event that they enjoy. Thousands of families, teenagers, twenty-somethings and senior citizens join in the celebration which includes everything from live music to beer trucks to fashion shows to hot air balloons to parades!
Thursday, July 28th was the first major event of the 2011 festival. The heart of downtown Canton featured a concert and fireworks show. Streets were blocked off in order for the locals and tourists to pitch blankets and safely enjoy the sights and sounds. The True Blue Band and the Malone University Singers entertained on-stage as people enjoyed food, balloon entertainers and face painters. Other than the crowded atmosphere, this is certainly clearly an event for families with young children. When the fireworks finally were set off, it was one of the best shows that I have witnessed, with its variety of designs, colors and timing, paired with a background soundtrack that kept momentum high.
A second and always exciting event during HOF Week is the Balloon Classic/Jackson Foodfest. Hosted uptown in northern Canton’s Belden Village area on the Kent State University Stark/Stark State College campus, the festival lasted all weekend - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday - and hosted 65 hot air balloons, food vendors of all sorts and live music entertainment.
On Friday night, crowds watched as the night sky grew illuminated by glow of the resting air balloons. The crowd was heavy here as well, but the hills of the campus seem to divide the event landscape. The area is broken up into two areas: the hilltop, where most youth (preteens and teens) congregated to walk around the track filled with vendors and the bottom, where families and couples threw blankets for watching the hot-air balloon light-up show and on Saturday, the fireworks.
But perhaps my favorite event each year is the Ribs Burnoff. Held at the Stark County Fairgrounds in Canton on the following weekend, barbecue vendors from all across the country come to compete and show off their goods to the public. It is truly a sight to view the many trophies and award banners that each vendor has to display. What’s interesting about the judging is that while some of the panel (which this year consisted of seventy judges) are chefs, others are simply respected members of the community. Furthermore, one of the winning categories is “people’s choice.”
Food prices are slightly steep, but admission is free. Draft beer is also sold for relatively low prices. The Ribs Burnoff also offers nightly concerts at the Grand Stand Stage. On Thursday night, country star Phil Vassar roused the crowd. Standing Room, directly in front of the stage, was free. Concert-goers only needed to purchase tickets for seating in the Grand Stand. There is nothing quite like a trio of good barbecue, live music and cold beer for a great time!
There is a controversy surrounding the Burnoff - its location. Prior to 2003, the Ribs Burnoff was held on the streets of downtown Canton, creating more space and arguably an all around cleaner atmosphere. Since its' relocation to the fairgrounds, it has helped to keep both beer-drinkers and small children within limits but unfortunately moved a large crowd of people into a relatively small, fenced-in territory. The question remains whether the Burnoff will be moved back downtown. Regardless of its location, the Pro Football Hall of Fame Ribs Burnoff always means a rockin’ and finger-lickin’ good time.
Finally, the event that’s the real reason for the whole celebration - the Hall of Fame Enshrinement! Prior to the formal officiation of the new Hall of Famers, a party is held for fans, festival sponsors, athletes, and friends and family of the enshrines. Ticket prices for this event are high, but right;y so. The party is hosted inside a massive tent in the parking lot of the Pro Football Hall of Fame and features a full buffet catered by Giant Eagle, a stocked bar, a DJ and dance floor, and the opportunity to meet the many greats of the sport of football who attend.
It was difficult to notice that a downpour was occurring just outside the tent because so much excitement was going on inside. Almost perfectly, the rain let up just in time for the main event to take place.
Inside Fawcett Stadium, alumni were announced before the induction occurred. Famous sportscaster Chris Berman made the atmosphere even more awe-inspiring by leading the entire evening. Each player was showcased by a close, respected individual before giving a definitive speech of his own. These speeches were not simply about plays and statistics, instead, they spoke volumes on the story behind their rise to glory, stories that often revealed hardships, hard-work and the love of family.
While all of the other festivities are for fun-lovers of all kinds, this event truly brought out the genuine pro football fans. From all across the United States, football-enthusiasts came, fully decked in their team jerseys and apparel to celebrate in the ultimate celebration of the best-of-the-best of their favorite sport.
Although the traditional 2011 Hall of Fame Game could not be coordinated due to the NFL lockout, it was replaced by a Tailgate Party. Now that the lockout has ended, a game is expected for next year’s celebration.
There are many more events during Canton’s proud Hall of Fame week that I did not have space to mention but the Pro Football Hall of Fame’s slogan for the Festival says it all perfectly, “It’s a one of a kind celebration!”
For more information, visit
Article by Kary Skelley. Copyright 2011 Sunny Harbor Publishing. Contact Us: PO Box 560318, Rockledge, FL 32956. Phone: 321-446-7552. Email:[email protected]
Keywords: Pro Football Hall of Fame, Pro Football Hall of Fame Festival, Canton, Ohio, OH NFL, Kary Skelley, Hall of Fame Game,
Canton, Ohio
A one of a kind celebration where pro football all started
by Kary Skelley
Each summer, Canton, Ohio opens its doors to a new class of legends: the Pro Football Hall of Fame enshrinees. During the first week of August, in honor of these men, Canton hosts a celebration of food, festivals, parades and parties that attract not only football fans but pleasure seekers from across the country. Cantonians like myself look forward to the celebration every summer.
The Pro Football Hall of Fame Festival is particularly special because it essentially is a celebration that virtually people of all interests and walks of life seem to enjoy. While pro football fans consider it a week in paradise, there is also a wide enough variety of entertainment that nearly everyone can find some event that they enjoy. Thousands of families, teenagers, twenty-somethings and senior citizens join in the celebration which includes everything from live music to beer trucks to fashion shows to hot air balloons to parades!
Thursday, July 28th was the first major event of the 2011 festival. The heart of downtown Canton featured a concert and fireworks show. Streets were blocked off in order for the locals and tourists to pitch blankets and safely enjoy the sights and sounds. The True Blue Band and the Malone University Singers entertained on-stage as people enjoyed food, balloon entertainers and face painters. Other than the crowded atmosphere, this is certainly clearly an event for families with young children. When the fireworks finally were set off, it was one of the best shows that I have witnessed, with its variety of designs, colors and timing, paired with a background soundtrack that kept momentum high.
A second and always exciting event during HOF Week is the Balloon Classic/Jackson Foodfest. Hosted uptown in northern Canton’s Belden Village area on the Kent State University Stark/Stark State College campus, the festival lasted all weekend - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday - and hosted 65 hot air balloons, food vendors of all sorts and live music entertainment.
On Friday night, crowds watched as the night sky grew illuminated by glow of the resting air balloons. The crowd was heavy here as well, but the hills of the campus seem to divide the event landscape. The area is broken up into two areas: the hilltop, where most youth (preteens and teens) congregated to walk around the track filled with vendors and the bottom, where families and couples threw blankets for watching the hot-air balloon light-up show and on Saturday, the fireworks.
But perhaps my favorite event each year is the Ribs Burnoff. Held at the Stark County Fairgrounds in Canton on the following weekend, barbecue vendors from all across the country come to compete and show off their goods to the public. It is truly a sight to view the many trophies and award banners that each vendor has to display. What’s interesting about the judging is that while some of the panel (which this year consisted of seventy judges) are chefs, others are simply respected members of the community. Furthermore, one of the winning categories is “people’s choice.”
Food prices are slightly steep, but admission is free. Draft beer is also sold for relatively low prices. The Ribs Burnoff also offers nightly concerts at the Grand Stand Stage. On Thursday night, country star Phil Vassar roused the crowd. Standing Room, directly in front of the stage, was free. Concert-goers only needed to purchase tickets for seating in the Grand Stand. There is nothing quite like a trio of good barbecue, live music and cold beer for a great time!
There is a controversy surrounding the Burnoff - its location. Prior to 2003, the Ribs Burnoff was held on the streets of downtown Canton, creating more space and arguably an all around cleaner atmosphere. Since its' relocation to the fairgrounds, it has helped to keep both beer-drinkers and small children within limits but unfortunately moved a large crowd of people into a relatively small, fenced-in territory. The question remains whether the Burnoff will be moved back downtown. Regardless of its location, the Pro Football Hall of Fame Ribs Burnoff always means a rockin’ and finger-lickin’ good time.
Finally, the event that’s the real reason for the whole celebration - the Hall of Fame Enshrinement! Prior to the formal officiation of the new Hall of Famers, a party is held for fans, festival sponsors, athletes, and friends and family of the enshrines. Ticket prices for this event are high, but right;y so. The party is hosted inside a massive tent in the parking lot of the Pro Football Hall of Fame and features a full buffet catered by Giant Eagle, a stocked bar, a DJ and dance floor, and the opportunity to meet the many greats of the sport of football who attend.
It was difficult to notice that a downpour was occurring just outside the tent because so much excitement was going on inside. Almost perfectly, the rain let up just in time for the main event to take place.
Inside Fawcett Stadium, alumni were announced before the induction occurred. Famous sportscaster Chris Berman made the atmosphere even more awe-inspiring by leading the entire evening. Each player was showcased by a close, respected individual before giving a definitive speech of his own. These speeches were not simply about plays and statistics, instead, they spoke volumes on the story behind their rise to glory, stories that often revealed hardships, hard-work and the love of family.
While all of the other festivities are for fun-lovers of all kinds, this event truly brought out the genuine pro football fans. From all across the United States, football-enthusiasts came, fully decked in their team jerseys and apparel to celebrate in the ultimate celebration of the best-of-the-best of their favorite sport.
Although the traditional 2011 Hall of Fame Game could not be coordinated due to the NFL lockout, it was replaced by a Tailgate Party. Now that the lockout has ended, a game is expected for next year’s celebration.
There are many more events during Canton’s proud Hall of Fame week that I did not have space to mention but the Pro Football Hall of Fame’s slogan for the Festival says it all perfectly, “It’s a one of a kind celebration!”
For more information, visit
Article by Kary Skelley. Copyright 2011 Sunny Harbor Publishing. Contact Us: PO Box 560318, Rockledge, FL 32956. Phone: 321-446-7552. Email:[email protected]
Keywords: Pro Football Hall of Fame, Pro Football Hall of Fame Festival, Canton, Ohio, OH NFL, Kary Skelley, Hall of Fame Game,